Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

DRESS FOR THE DAY YOU WANT: Moslem Fashionista In Facing The Fashion World

Let me tell you what the word fashionista means. If we talk about fashionista, you can find that this word means "A person who creates or promotes high fashion, i.e. a fashion designer or fashion editor", you can also find that fashionista is “A person who dresses according to the trends of fashion, or one who closely follows those trends” (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fashionista).

Every culture has exhibited some sort of fashion-conscious behavior, it appears to be a characteristics of humans to take clothing and self-care choices beyond the realm of pure function. On the personal level, there is simply no denying that we feel better on a good outfit day. And when we feel better, we make better choices, exude more confidence and elicit a greater degree of respect from others. Let me excerpt a quote from Tim Gunn on Tess Whitehurst book of Magical Fashionista (1997), he said “dismissing fashion is as a silly or unimportant seems like denial of history..,” the quote mean that fashion is a certainly existed in this world.  

Almost people said that what we wore represented what and who we are (Tess Whitehurst: 1997). Fashion influences both men and women whatever their religions, Muslims, the Buddhists, Catholics, Christians, Hindus and even other religions also. And in this article I want to frame from the Muslims side.

From the fashion people followed, their devinely beautiful essences that are unlike any other can be bright, they can explore the unique inner and outer. Being ourselves on many cases is must, but sometimes on fashion case we aren’t. As you know, so many people can influence another to follow his/her trend. As I found in my country, there are several phenomena concerning to fashion. Many well-known artists today (i.e. Dian Pelangi, Zaskia Sungkar, Shireen Sungkar, Zaskia Adya Mecca, Teuku Wisnu, Raffi Ahmad, Ivan Gunawan etc.) have become a center of fashion, which has their own trend and followed by so many people, especially on facing Ramadhan month and the esteemed fashionista noted that the response of Muslim had been overhelming (Azad Essa:5).

To be a Muslim fashionista is not a big problem, as long as you are not missing your identity as a Muslim. Me my self, the important one to face the fashion world is you can express yourself, and so you should be able to close your aurat like Al-Ahzab verse 59 told us. Even, something magic we can find inside the fashion or outfit of the day, is  exuding the piety

 (لباس التقوى ذلك خير). As a Muslim fashionista, just choose whether you follow the trend exists or even you  create the new one mode of fashion based on what Islam taught.

Let yourself be a better Muslims fashionista!

To exude you inner-beauty and piety, there are some ways must be followed:

-          Show your unique essence

-          Let your power of costumes spread

-          Dress for the day you want

-          Send what message you want

-          Notice what colors, patterns and textures you crave, and don’t forget

-          Make your dress as a form of worship to your God, Allah

Beside of following the nowadays trend, a fashionista has to pay attention what the Syariah commanded. To determine the type of clothing that is good, there are some criteria that must be considered in perspective Syariah Islam, such as: do not resemble the opposite sex, not transparent, not forming curves, not appearing aurat, and certainly avoid social norms aren’t applicable (http://www.datdut.com/busana-muslimah/2/). And do not overlook the value of Dakwah from any fashions you follow or outfits you wear. So you can be a good Muslim fashionista based on the Syariah Islam.

Let’s try it, Dakwah isn’t only by teaching the Islamic matherial but also by an Islamic value that appear from both of your good character and your outfit, because a good character is more be praised than the outstanding talent. Good character, by contranst, is not given to us. We have to build it peace by peace – by thought, choice, courage and determination (John Luther). And be a good Muslim Fashionista is a choice.

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